Environmental Health
Environmental Health is the branch of public health concerned with all aspects of the natural and built environment affecting human health. Environmental health focuses on the natural and built environments for the benefit of human health.
NCDHD Environmental Health Programs
City Nuisance
Test Your Well Yearly
Contact your local NRD or NCDHD to pick up your testing kits.
Testing is simple:
Pick up you kit here in our office 422 E Douglas St. O'Neill, Ne
or -
Find your nearest NRD (as seen on the right side of this page) and pick one up there.
Follow the enclosed instructions in your kits.
Complete the test order form
What can you test for and cost:

Private well owners are responsible for testing their water
Unlike public drinking water supplies, private wells are not regulated by EPA. Owners of private wells are responsible for testing their water to make sure it is safe to drink.
If you have a private well, test it at least once a year for mechanical problems, cleanliness, coliform bacteria, nitrates, and any other germs or chemicals of local concern. Also check your well after flooding or if you suspect a problem (for example, a change in taste or smell). Germs and chemicals can get in wells after flooding, particularly if wells are shallow, were dug or bored, or were covered by floodwater for days or weeks.
If your water is contaminated (has unsafe levels of germs or chemicals), do not drink it and contact your health department for advice about how to make it safe to drink.
If your private well has harmful germs or chemicals in it, your neighbors’ water may also be unsafe to drink. This is because your well is likely connected to the same source of ground water (aquifer).
Water Contamination and Diseases | Drinking Water | Healthy Water | CDC
Addtional Resources:

Check out our NRD partners that can help you out with your water testing needs-Natural Resources Districts were created to solve flood control, soil erosion, irrigation run-off, and groundwater quantity and quality issues. Nebraska's NRDs are involved in a wide variety of projects and programs to conserve and protect the state's natural resources. NRDs are charged under state law with 12 areas of responsibility including flood control, soil erosion, groundwater management and many others.