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Image by Wolfgang Hasselmann

Mosquito/Tick-Borne Diseases

Mosquitoes are able to spread diseases like Zika virus, West Nile virus, Chikungunya virus, dengue, and malaria. North Central District Health Department (NCDHD) follows mosquito-borne diseases trends to keep the citizens of NCDHD regions safe and healthy. Information on diseases and safety precautions can be found below.

Image of a tick

2023 Mosquito Trapping Data Dashboard

Click the map for up-to-date information on NCDHD trapping data.

4 D's Flyer 2024.jpg
Image by Kaffeebart

NCDHD recommends the following precautions to protect yourself and others from West Nile Virus:

  • Applying an EPA approved mosquito repellant (DEET, picaridin, oil of lemon, eucalyptus, or IR3535). (Environmental Protection Agency: Insect Repellents)

  • Limiting exposure when outdoors by wearing long sleeve shirts and pants. 

  • Limiting time spent outdoors when Culex mosquitoes are most active, typically dusk to midnight.

  • Getting rid of standing water where mosquitoes may breed.

Image by Angel Santos

Local Contact Information for handling and submitting birds:

NCDHD will no longer be collecting dead birds per state guidance.


Continue to report sick or dead birds, please call NCDHD at 402-336-2406

Remember to discard the dead bird by using gloves or flipping a shopping bag inside out, and place in a seal contain then throw away.

Image by Syed Ali

NCDHD’s Environmental Health program tracks dead birds and helps with testing mosquitoes to monitor West Nile Virus in our 9 county district. Mosquito pools are tested in O’Neill and Valentine area.


West Nile Virus is contracted through mosquitoes that have been bitten by an infected bird. Generally birds cannot pass the virus to humans.  West Nile Virus symptoms are flu-like and can include a slight fever or headache. Severe symptoms are not likely, but can lead to encephalitis, which can cause inflammation of the brain, disorientation, convulsions and paralysis. People over 50, infants, and pregnant women are especially susceptible to this disease.

West Nile Virus

Image by note thanun

West Nile Virus Tips for Children:

  1. Dress your child in clothing that covers arms and legs.

  2. Cover strollers and baby carriers with mosquito netting.

  3. When using insect repellent on your child:

    • Be sure to follow label instructions​

    • ADULTS: Spray the insect repellent onto your hands and then apply to your child'd face being sure to avoid EYES, MOUTH, HANDS, OPEN AREAS, OR IRRITATED SKIN


      • Oil of Lemon Eucalyptus (OLE)​

      • Para-menthane-diol (PMD)

fight the bite

Mosquitoes in Nebraska

There are approximately 50 different species of mosquitoes living in Nebraska but only about half of them spread disease to humans.

Male and female mosquitoes feed on plant nectar but the female mosquito requires a blood meal to produce eggs. A female mosquito breeds in the presence of water and lays eggs after obtaining a blood meal. Where the female mosquito chooses to lay her eggs depends on the larval habitat preference.


The 50 mosquito species native to Nebraska can be organized into four groups based on their larval habitat preferences: permanent pool, transient water, floodwater, and artificial container and tree-container.


World Malaria Day April 25th

Current Data and Reports

What Is Malaria?

Malaria is a serious and sometimes fatal disease caused by a parasite that commonly infects a certain type of mosquito which feeds on humans.

People who get malaria are typically very sick with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness. Although malaria can be a deadly disease, illness and death from malaria can usually be prevented.

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