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WIIN Grant: Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water

Authorized under the Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act, the Lead Testing in School and Child Care Program Drinking Water Grant creates a voluntary program to assist with testing for lead in drinking water at schools and child care programs. In the program’s inaugural launch in 2019, the grant included $43.7 million in funding. 

getting water from tap
free lead testing

All Nebraska schools and licensed childcare facilities eligible are for free lead testing of their drinking water

Why Test for Lead?

Childhood lead poisoning is 100% preventable, so identifying sources of exposure is crucial. Childhood exposure to lead may be associated with hearing and speech problems, learning and behavior problems, slowed growth and development, and adverse impacts to the developing nervous system. 

Who is eligible for these grant funds?

All licensed childcare facilities, preschools/headstarts, public and private schools are eligible for Free Testing. Grant funds will be used to pay for sample kits and laboratory analysis of drinking water samples and to pay local health departments for coordination assistance. 

How will I know the results of the lead test?

Transparency is key to ensuring schools, child care facilities, and parents can make informed decisions. All sample results will be provided to the local health departments and made public on the NDEE/DHHS webpage in summary once all samples are analyzed.

Identify exposure source
WIIN Graphic 2022


• 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water (PDF)(2018). Link:

• 3Ts Full Toolkit (Website)(2018). Link:

For additional information, please contact:

WIIN Act Grant
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