Archive Public Service Announcements
1.15.2020 Midlands Voices: Public health is Nebraska is well worth the investment
4.7.2017 MedReturn Rock County PSA
4.7.2017 National Drug Take Back Day
3.31.2017 Responsible Beverage Server Training Offered to Alcohol Retailers
3.24.2017 April Alcohol Awareness Month PSA
3.16.2017 Youth Leadership Summit in Bloomfield
3.10.2017 Tony Hoffman to visit ACDC Region
3.2.2017 St. Patrick's Day PSA
2.22.2017 Local Responder Attends Homeland Security Training
2.6.2017 ASAP Coalition Honored at CADCA's National Leadership Forum
1.23.2017 National Drug and Alcohol Face Week PSA
1.23.2017 Responsible Beverage Server Training Offered to Alcohol Retailers
9.9.2016 West Nile Positive Mosquito Pools Detected
8.26.2016 National Preparedness Month
9.8.2015 White House Awards Local Coalition for Youth Substance Prevention
8.3.2015 No Wrong Door Networking & Training
6.1.2015 West Nile Virus Dead Bird Collection
5.14.2015 Monitoring Impacts of Avian Influenza Outbreak in Nebraska
3.24.2015 Public Health Release Banquet
8.29.2014 West Nile Virus Cases Continue to Increase
6.25.2014 West Nile Virus Update
9.1.2011 Ways to Beat the Heat
3.1.2006 NCDHD holds "Open House" of new office location
5.21.2004 Mercury Thermometer Exchange in Plainview
9.13.2004 Mercury Thermometer Collection Targeted for Brown Co Health Fair
12.3.2003 Protect Yourself - Get Your Flu Vaccine
12.2.2003 If you have Syrup of Ipecac in your home.. THROW IT AWAY
10.21.2003 Children and Pregnant Women Recommended for Flu Vaccination
7.7.2003 Regional 2003 Youth Risk Behavior Survey Results
10.9.2003 National Health Week
5.1.2003 NCDHD Receives Contract to Perform West Nile Virus Surveillance