King’s leadership in the Civil Rights Movement (that began Dec. of 1955) changed the course of history, advocating for justice, equality, and nonviolent resistance against racial segregation and injustice. This included society's view and systems for health equity. Everyone person has the right to proper health care.
Dr. King himself understood the importance of health and well-being for marginalized communities. King’s legacy of striving for racial equality directly intersects with the mission of organizations like the American Heart Association, which aims to ensure that all individuals, regardless of race, background, or socioeconomic status, have access to the resources needed to live healthier, longer lives.
As we honor Dr. King’s legacy, we are reminded of the ongoing need to bridge gaps in health care and eliminate the disparities that exist within our nation’s healthcare system, particularly in cardiovascular health.
One of the most meaningful ways to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day is through acts of service. In 1994, Congress passed the King Holiday and Service Act, establishing the day as a National Day of Service. Dr. King believed in the power of community action, stating, "Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, 'What are you doing for others?"
On this day, individuals across the nation engage in volunteerism, helping those in need and working to improve their communities. From food drives to community clean-ups to helping at local shelters, Martin Luther King Jr. Day has become a reminder that each of us has a responsibility to contribute to the betterment of society.
Please join us this Martin Luther King Day, Jan. 20th of 2025 at the Torpin's Rodeo Market in ONeill, Ne at 10am to 4pm for MLK Trivia/Plinko to win prizes. We will also have snacks, coloring pages, and recipes to take home!
Our AHA - HeartCorps Service member TyLinn Dodd will be hosting this event!
Hope to see many faces there!
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Happy King day :)